Does anyone know where in San Diego NHC will be hosted? I want to start thinking about booking a hotel since Comic Con is happening the same weekend as NHC and hotels will probably fill up early.
+1 A guy I used to work with looked at reservations in GR before the Conf. rate details were announced, and he said the high room rates deterred him from going. I had to explain that blocks of rooms are reserved by the AHA for the conf, and there is a lower conference rate, you just have to wait for the announcement.
OP seems satisfied, but just in case anyone was alarmed, it appears San Diego Comic-Con is 1 month after NHC; you don’t have to choose which to go to. ;D
I’ve missed out on the last couple of NHC events, but I’m definitely going to do my best to make next years, which would be my first! I love SD and always take every opportunity to make a trip out there.