NHC 2015 Location in San Diego?

Does anyone know where in San Diego NHC will be hosted? I want to start thinking about booking a hotel since Comic Con is happening the same weekend as NHC and hotels will probably fill up early.

I believe we have the whole hotel/resort blocked out right now so trying to book early won’t work for the central location.

Not to mention that we have a special rate that won’t be available until the announcement is made.

Thanks guys, I’ll wait then. Announcement is usually in January right?

+1 A guy I used to work with looked at reservations in GR before the Conf. rate details were announced, and he said the high room rates deterred him from going. I had to explain that blocks of rooms are reserved by the AHA for the conf, and there is a lower conference rate, you just have to wait for the announcement.

OP seems satisfied, but just in case anyone was alarmed, it appears San Diego Comic-Con is 1 month after NHC; you don’t have to choose which to go to.  ;D

Damn - cosplayers and beer seemed like a perfect mashup.

And I had just drug out my old Kahn costume. Oh well…


Do you think anyone would notice? :slight_smile:

Beer is a beverage best served cold. And, Capt, its very cold… in space

Don’t make fun of cosplay until you google Meg Turney. As ridiculous as it sounds, she is famous for her cosplay.

Now furries, those folks are just plain weird.

It’s a trap!!

Until now I didn’t know what cosplay was (more to the point didn’t care).  Ah, ignorance is bliss.

+1, on both counts.    :wink:

EDIT  -  Cosplay was a new term to me too until reading Jimmy’s post. Learn something new every day.

Come on, even I know this one. Its that band that sang about yellow, right?

I’ve missed out on the last couple of NHC events, but I’m definitely going to do my best to make next years, which would be my first!  I love SD and always take every opportunity to make a trip out there.

Edit:  I just Googled Meg Turney, whoa!

Google Meg Turney. Was not disappointed.