I’m looking for anyone willing to share their scores for beer that made it to the 2nd round in the NHC in categories 1, 2, or 6. It’s for a project I’m working on about mashing methods. If you could, fill out the brief questionaire below and PM or email it to me. All responses will be kept confidential. Thanks. If I can’t find enough 2nd rounders, I’d be interested in 1st rounders.
NHC Year:
Category: (1, 2, or 6)
Mash method: (single-infusion, two-step infusion, single decoction, double decoction, etc.)
Sparge method: (fly, batch, no-sparge)
Aroma: (X/12)
Appearance: (X/3)
Flavor: (X/20)
Mouthfeel: (X/5)
Overall: (X/10)