NHC Final Round Entries

Congratulations to the winners of the first round of the the AHA National Homebrew Competition (NHC)!

Now it’s on to the final round. Final round entries are due June 6, 2011.

Entries Must Arrive By 5pm, June 6th
    * For details about the competition, please see the  2011 NHC Rules & Regulations.
    * Reference the information in the NHC winner’s packet for specific shipping details.
    * Entrants who qualified for the Final Round must complete the Recipe Submission no later than June 15th.

First Round Winners
The first round winners for the 2011 competition are posted on NHC Winners.

Final Round Judging
The Final Round judging takes place on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at the National Homebrewers Conference held in San Diego, CA. The brewers of the winning entries in the NHC Final Round are awarded medals and fabulous prizes at the Grand Banquet & Award Ceremony on Saturday evening of the conference.

Good Luck!

So what the heck does this mean?



I was thinking the same thing.

Lol, assume that was from last year as I doubt 799 people have filled out their recipe already this year.

Hmmmm, per a small group of people, my rebrewed Mild is better than the original brew that I sent in for the first round.  I had to make some grain/hop substitutions on the rebrew…which recipe should I submit?

Send the recipe for whatever you send to the second round.  They only print them if you win, and in that case, they’ll want what was tasted in the second round not the first.

Is anyone planning on dropping their entires off at AleSmith?  If so do you know if they will be around on Monday June 6?

The directions say not to contact the brewery, but I want to make sure someone is there to receive my entries.
