Especially seeing all the requests for tickets on here and other forums, and the replies about scalpers all over Craigslist and Stubhub selling GABF tickets for $115 each plus (highest I saw was $199 for a members only session, and over $200 for a GA one), is there any talk of going back to the way tickets were sold in past years to avoid the massive numbers of people scalping tickets and making money off the AHA putting the tickets on Ticketmaster?
+a million. I can’t stand ticketmaster or any online ticket service. Just look at what happens with NFL games - you have all of the tickets bought up within minutes of going on sale, and then they get listed on other sites for huge markups. LAME.
The BA and AHA are affiliated, but I don’t think posting your comments here will get them seen by anyone at the BA who’s responsible for putting on the GABF. Much better to contact them directly IMHO. Contact Us - Brewers Association
Are there any reasonable alternatives for an event of that size? Seriously, I have no idea.
Nothing that would be easy. But anything’s better than the current system.

Nothing that would be easy. But anything’s better than the current system.
How about buying tix by mail? Would that be better?
maybe increase the time between the presale to members and when the general public is allowed to buy from a couple days to a couple weeks? Just to give members a better chance to snap them up?
on the other hand, all those members-only session tix being resold at high prices had to have been bought by members, didn’t they? It’s hard to try to help members out if they’re part of the problem.
I guess if you want to make that session truly members-only people can show their membership cards along with their tix. shrug
This will be the first one I’ve missed in a decade or more. Dunno what I’ll do with myself if I’m not crawling all around Denver for a week. Is it possible to bank liver cells for next year? 8)

maybe increase the time between the presale to members and when the general public is allowed to buy from a couple days to a couple weeks? Just to give members a better chance to snap them up?
on the other hand, all those members-only session tix being resold at high prices had to have been bought by members, didn’t they? It’s hard to try to help members out if they’re part of the problem.
I guess if you want to make that session truly members-only people can show their membership cards along with their tix. shrug
This will be the first one I’ve missed in a decade or more. Dunno what I’ll do with myself if I’m not crawling all around Denver for a week. Is it possible to bank liver cells for next year? 8)
I think some people willingly pay for a membership just so they can purchase these tickets. Other than this once a year purchase they have nothing to do with the organization. Before “they” caught on to this the members’ sessions almost never sold out. Now they do almost immediately. It might be nice to modify the rule that says you have to have been a member for a longer term before the tickets go on sale. I noticed that this year that time period was a month. Then again, perhaps the organization is happy with the fast sell out of tickets.
What about enlisting a service like this? NAYY