noob NHC question

I’m probably giving myself mucho bad karma by even asking this … but having never entered the NHC before, here goes…

IF one of your beers wins in the first round and you get selected for the 2nd round, do you have to send in more beer? In other words, should I be saving some of each beer that I submit to the first round, for possible submission to the 2nd round judging? If so, how much?

Assuming I don’t win anything in the first round, then I’ll at least have some of each beer to drink while I ponder the 1st round scoresheets, so I guess it would be worthwhile saving some in any case…


Yes, each round requires more beer but you also have the opportunity to re-brew each entry. This is important especially for beers that are best fresh

Three bottles for the second round. AHA/BJCP Sanctioned Competitions - American Homebrewers Association

Yeah Red, 2 for the first round this year, and still 3 for the 2nd round.

For the second round you need enough beer for the first flight, select the Gold between all of the flights, and the Homebrewer of the year (BoS if you will).

Take 3 bottles and keep 'em cold so they won’t change much.  Re-brewing just doesn’t seem right, and would make me more nervous than the original beer kept cold.  Many variables in brewing small batches can make a pronounced difference in a beer from batch to batch,

That is good advice on the 3 bottles stored cold. If you have your process down, you can rebrew and then compare to the stored bottles. Some styles would benefit from a rebrew, a German Wheat for example. Some won’t benefit, such as a high gravity dark beer which may benefit from age.

It is not against the rules to rebrew.

If you get your scoresheets back before the official results are announced and there’s no indication of placing on the coversheet, still keep the other bottles safe until the official results are announced.

Last year I got my sheets back with nothing marked for placing, but when Janis released the results, I had gotten 2nd place for one of my beers.  Luckily I hadn’t drank the other ones yet ( a lager so rebrewing was not an option ).

OT, but this is one of my pet peeves. I’ll be sure it doesn’t happen in the KC regional. (It’s nice to see the little mini-BOS box checked, ya know?)

awesome!  I am sending my entries to KC.  I hope everything runs smoothly for you.

Thanks all. I’ll store 3 of each cold, and see what happens…

I store my kegs cold, and only bottle what moves on, once it moves on. Minimizes the negative from bottling.

That was my plan too, but apparently the roommates don’t see it the same way. ::slight_smile: