Not Beer, but worthy...

Hine Rare VSOP cognac

I gota say for the coin this stuff is pretty danged good…all my thumbs are up here.
Love the perfume and the legs in the glass and the warm glow.

Ya lookin’ for this? ;D

looks promising, but the link no workie… ???

So, what else have you had to compare it to? I have noticed a distinct decline in the quality of various cognacs over the past decade or so. Plain ol VS used to be something nice and drinkable, now the stuff is so harsh it’s basically a shooter.

Germain Robin has a pretty killer brandy. It’s made in California, therefore it’s not a Cognac. Same price range as what you listed.

I am putting it up against courvoisier vs, and vsop and I have a bottle of Napoleon. I also enjoy
meukow vs, but it is harsh.  Interesting stuff is the Meukow Vanilla which I like to mix a splash in a glass of Crown Royal.
The Napoelon is interesting and is indeed a notch above all these and perhaps even the Hine, which to me resembles
the courvoisier vsop only more distinctive.


I just tried it twice, and it’s working for me.

hmmmm…not for me…and i googled the base address in the thread and it will not open

perhaps my isp has em black listed for some reason. Google images even shows stuff on that site…
but it will not show on my pc…I even changed cookies and security settings…NG

came right up for me

its working today…“shrug”

Hine VSOP is one of my favorites.  I still have my first bottle (albeit empty)…couldn’t throw it away, it was a work of art.  Had a mini-bottle of Hine Triomphe in 2004 which was good, but I wouldn’t pay $300 for a bottle.

Germain Robin is very interesting and I’d like to try some more of his stuff.  Had only the “Fine” which is almost like drinking perfume!  Definitely quality though.

Ok, Nick, I had to go look cause I had never heard of this Germain-Robin…
now I will have to persue it based soley upon your input here… ::)  I am liking
the part of cognac where you just put it under your nose and let the warmth of your palm
bring the “perfume” up to your nostrils…and I almost would rather inhale the stuff
instead of drinking it…

Nick, I ordered a bottle of Germain-Robin Shareholder’s Reserve today…c’mon over I’ll pour ya a snifter!

Taste note on the Shareholders Reserve (Germain-Robin) it sure resembles the Hine VSOP rare, but somewhat softer
on the palate and the perfume is not quite as pungent. The legs are less pronounced than the Hine.
It does rival the VSOP cognac but not sure if it rivals the XO.

We went to the town of Cognac last summer and thought about visiting a distillery but they are basically just huge factories, they looked more like refineries than anything else.  Instead we visited a small family owned distillery, more like a glorified homebrew setup but damn was the drink fine.  We brought back several bottles, one of each of their grades.  I’m not really into Cognac on a regular basis but this stuff made a believer out of me.

If you like Cognac, try Armagnac.

I think I shall… :wink: