Can anyone suggest a note keeping app for iPad that I can track brewday with, preferably one that would update to a cloud.
Black Sharpie and a good arm.
That’s the old way, need a newfangled one. Specifically one my partners can read. Although, between my spelling and auto correct…
I would just use Google Docs.
It may not be a ‘custom’ app, but you can easily create text documents that live in the ‘cloud’, your partners can view (and edit if you want), and will work right now on your iPad (or any other computer with a web browser).
I use Evernote for things like that. Have it running everywhere to sync notes in between.
Now what I could really use though is a shared mindmapping system.
Thanks, drew, I’ll check that out.
Re: google docs. Is there a way to copy a document or set it up as a format? The think I would like to do is copy a doc and then fill out changes, add notes, along the way.
Forgive me if it is something easy I am overlooking. I really am smart when it comes to adobe illustrator, photoshop, quark express and in design. I can even code some old school html. But I’m an old clunker with anything resembling spread sheets or even Microsoft office.
I’ve only dabbled a bit here and there, but it might get you what you need.
Thanks from me, too. Installing it now.
Thanks, I’ll have to try that out. I’m kinda “old school” on my mind maps, I’ve used FreeMind for years.
Virtually everything I write gets mindmapped first.
You poor kids and your ipads . Droid baby! Droid!
Jealous much?
meh, got a win7 laptop, an ubuntu server, a macbook, an iphone and a kindle fire. I’m pretty well meh on the whole OS differences. (except I do have to give Apple one thing - their iron grip vertical integration mode allows them to enforce a generally less hassling user experience at the cost of price and flexibility)
Of an IPad? Pffttttt… I’ll take my Asus Iconium any day. With my thousands of free apps, including brewing apps that have pretty much taken the place of Pro mash in my brewery. ;D
Funny how others constantly try to show up Apple, while Apple users just smile and nod.
I tried mindmaping for awhile. It seemed a bit two dimensional and/or linear… difficult to map discontinuities.
Maybe I just didn’t try hard enough.
Yeah, but I’ll tell you what, if you’re trying to plan a book or an article or a project plan, it works like a charm.
Here’s an example from my book planning for the Everything Homebrewing Book
Yup. I keep giving the others a shot (kindle fire, for instance. It sucked) but I keep coming back to Apple. And the high def on the iPad 3 is truly stunning. This thing is a work of art. Not perfect, there are a few maddening aspects. But definitely awesome.
How is it any different than a basic outline?
It looks like the brackets for the Stanley Cup. :o
what language are you people conversating (yes that is now a real word and i promised i would use it in conversation) in?