Now THIS is a brewery!

You want innovation?  Check out how they crush their grain!  You want a jacketed fermeter?  How about an Elvis jacketed fermenter?

Wonder how much the Knight Rider theme song cost?

Probably not as much as training a ferret to put caps on bottles with one paw.

Where is this beer from? I’d be worried about their wort chilling down that big stack of trophies. Hot side aeration? Infections? Or maybe it’s actually a Gueze?

Rule of thumb if the commercial is inventive and silly there’s a pretty damn good chance it comes from Australia.

Cases in point . . .

The Big Beer Ad

Toohey’s Bottle Opener

Or you can just watch someone’s top 10 list

Great one Denny, thanks. :slight_smile:

I’m going to Petco Sunday, to buy a ferret. Training will begin monday at 8:00 a.m. sharp.

If you put a kilt on him, I’m reporting you to the ASPCA!

What you want him to force a ferret to wear pants?

If you put a kilt on him, we want pics!

What do you want him to wear?




Very cool. Love the Delorean…

No kilt on the ferret.  Won’t it be hilarious, though, when the ferret runs up under Weaze’s kilt.

One of my favorite beer commercials:

Pity the beer sucks.

Music reminds me of something Kraftwerk might have done.

love me some kraftwerk. really like autobaun

What’s up with the glass cat?

That’s wrong on a lot of levels…