I purchased an o2 kit from Williams Brewing back in December. For various reasons I haven’t taken it out of the package until the other day.
When I put the stone in some water to test and turned it on a) I have to turn it a lot before any o2 comes out and b) it makes a whistling type noise.
Are these normal?
May 9, 2013, 5:32pm
Mine doesn’t whistle, but I can hear the O2 coming out of the stone. It does also take more turns on the regulator than I think it should to get the flow going.
(Joe Sr.)
May 9, 2013, 7:23pm
I don’t think mine whistles. Yes, you have to turn it many times to get the O2 flowing and it is not the most precise dial to control.
I’m not certain my regulator came from Williams, but it is likely.
May 9, 2013, 7:42pm
mine whistles if its turned up too high. I back down when I hear it whistle.
Thanks. Maybe I opened it too much. I’ll have to mess around with it more.
May 11, 2013, 12:08am
Yeah, I think that sound is pressure relief. Backing it off always makes the noise stop for me.
May 11, 2013, 12:16am
For the disposable O2 tanks, it’s not a regulator, it’s just a valve. If it’s whistling, turn it down.
It’s always better to start the gas flow before you submerge the stone. Otherwise the liquid can make its way into the tiny pores and disrupt gas flow.
(Joe Sr.)
May 13, 2013, 2:31pm
Used mine last night. I can hear the gas being released, but it does not whistle.
If it’s really audible, I’d follow up with William’s and see what they say. I’ve found their customer service to be great.
May 14, 2013, 1:12pm
I used the William’s wand the other day, I liked it a lot. It didn’t whistle, I don’t think, but can definitely hear the gas releasing.
May 15, 2013, 5:14pm
I used the William’s wand the other day, I liked it a lot. It didn’t whistle, I don’t think, but can definitely hear the gas releasing.
the wand doesn’t whistle - the valve whistles if you open it up too much.