I recently obtained an oak barrel from my grandfather. It’s 5g in size and about 50 years old. What beer pairs best with an oak barrel?
If you cut it down the middle… it would make 2 nice planters…
The thing smells fantastic. He recently ran a White Zin in the barrel and the vanilla notes were off the chart. Cutting this thing down the middle would be a tragedy
50 years old and still being used recently without issue? I’m impressed!
IMO, a big Imperial Stout or a Wee Heavy go quite well with the barrel after it’s seen whiskey/bourbon. White zinfadel, not so much.
Edit: Good info over here: https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?board=30.0
A Belgian Tripel would fair nicely in that as well as a strong saison and/or belgian blonde (ramped up a bit).
a beer doesn’t have to be strong to barrel age. I will say that after 50 years and the number of batches that have likely gone through it I wouldn’t expect there to be any oak character left to speak of. the main flavor benefit will be from the wine that was in it last and the micro oxidation that occurs as o2 permeates through the wood. So I’d stay away from hoppy beers. I like the Saison idea though.
I was only mentioning stronger ABV beers as they will most likely stand up a bit better to the micro-oxidation that can occur through the barrel staves over a longer period of time.
This is awesome! I was thinking a wee heavy the barrel looks great inside despite the age. The entire thing was lit up with crystals. My grandpa only ran wine through it never a beer or a bourbon. The thing is old but it has a great char on the inside.
it’ll be interesting to hear what happens with those tartaric acid crystals in there. You don’t get those with booze barrels. I wonder if the beer will pick up any major acidity from that or not.
Exciting. Didn’t think about that. I ran an Abby that I currently have on tap with dried orange peel. The orange quietly rolls through the beer. I wonder if the acid would pair with something like that.