Brewed a batch yesterday of an ale. I wanted to pitch on top of a partial slurry left from my last batch (same beer) because it was a limited release wyeast west coast ale. I split the slurry canned 1/2 and repitched the rest. 6 hours after pitching a little action in the bubbler this morning i go down and an 1-1/2" of foam from the yeast could be seen all the way around the sides from fermintation last night but the bubbler is not active at all. Im not used to seeing anything like this. I forgot to take an og but this is my house beer so i know where it started out at (1.050 +/-). Should i consider primary done? Thanks
Doubtful that it is done. Check the deal of your stopper. if you are using a bucket, they can be finicky to seal. Measure the gravity now and again in a couple of days.
I went and lifted the lid and it has an 1-1/2" thick foamy head on it. I don’t know why the bubbler isnt going. I double checked the lid and its good. Does this mean I have a leak for sure? Its a brewcraft style bucket an have had real good luck with this style bucket. Squeeze the side ever so lightly an it bubbles. I dont know???
Buckets leak. It’s the way it goes. Don’t worry about it. As long as it keeps stuff out, your golden.
This was bugging me so much I went back to check again. The 3 piece airlock was light by 1/4" inch of starsan. Topped it off and she is frothing out the top. Happy Happy joy joy.
You must have had a little bit of suck back before fermentation took off.
What do you mean suck back?
As the temp of the beer drops, and before fermentation starts, the pressure difference will suck a little starsan back into the fermentor. It’s nothing to worry about