So I’m an idiot. I guess I was so happy that I had enought volume at the end of the boil that I forgot to collect some wort for an OG reading. However, we noticed it as soon as we put the carboy in the fermentation chamber. We immediately took it out and grabbed a sample for an OG reading. I was going for 1.086, but got 1.071. We already aerated and pitched the yeast. I would estimate about 8-10 minutes passed between the pitching of the yeast and the OG reading. Is this OG reading valid, or did the yeast start going that quickly? FYI, I pitched two packs of US-05.
I’d recommend not pitching until the wort is below 68 for best results. Most esters and, more importantly, fusels are generated in the fist two days of fermentation. Starting the fermentation off cool will lower the fusel and ester production. I pitch WLP001/1056/WS05 around 64.
If it was a partial boil and you added water to it after the fact, then it’s possible that you didn’t mix it well enough and 1.071 is not the right number. If it was a full wort boil then yeah, 1.071 is the number.
And I agree with what major said re: pitching temp.
It was a full boil. I may have to get a more efficient chilling process if I want to get it down to 68 or below. I use a homemade immersion chiller and ice bath in a big wash tub. I can chill to 70-75 range in about 20 minutes.
You were not going to hit 1.086, with that recipe. You would be lucky to get 75% mash efficiency at this point in time. You told beersmith you would get 75% brewhouse efficiency, this is a quite an aggressive expectation this early in your brewing. I think 1.071 was about what to expect.
you have a controled temp fermentation chamber? just pop the wort in there over night after getting it down to 75ish with the temp control set to 62-64, in the morning it will be just right. aerate and pitch then.
It was a full boil. I may have to get a more efficient chilling process if I want to get it down to 68 or below. I use a homemade immersion chiller and ice bath in a big wash tub. I can chill to 70-75 range in about 20 minutes.
I agree with the pitching temp as well. If you can get to 70-75 in 20 minutes, I would think you can get to 65F in 30 minutes?