Old Baltic Shipwrecked Beer

Tried searching for ‘shipwreck’ and ‘oldest beer’ in the archives to no avail.  Has anyone heard\seen more about the 200-year-old stuff found in Baltic back in September?  Freakin awesome find and according to the CNN article, the ‘culture in the beer is still living’.  Read in another article about some breweries clamoring for a chemical analysis so clones could be produced.


Yeah, I heard about this in the news a couple months back, but I didn’t know it was beer as well.

The BBC said a few days ago that the champagne that had been recovered was still drinkable, but they didn’t mention beer at all.

There’s some legal issues involved.

says here the Finnish authorities plan to let some breweries try recreating it.  Can’t wait to hear more.


One of the divers on the site is a pub owner and apparent beer aficionado - awesome!

What legal issues could there possibly be!!!  They found it, they can do whatever the hell they want with it!  What is it with making everything a LEGALITY these days??  jeeeesus…


I can’t help think of the Atocha and the Fishers. Always someone throwing a wrench in the works.

“The fate of the bottles is yet to be determined. According to local laws, objects older than a century are considered to be relics and belong to the Aland authorities.”

This is just preposterous! Seriously?  Who are they to claim something lost is theirs even if someone else found it?  Idiots!