Man, I was having a pretty awful day, and then I get home to find the newest edition of zumurgy, with a recipe that I’ve been looking for for a very very long time, an old style clone.
Thanks Bill Pierce for seriously making my day.
Man, I was having a pretty awful day, and then I get home to find the newest edition of zumurgy, with a recipe that I’ve been looking for for a very very long time, an old style clone.
Thanks Bill Pierce for seriously making my day.
That was an interesting article in my house. My wife got her Masters in Ed. from Vertubo Univ. in La Cross. She spent a week there right after the brewery reopened. She said that every place in town going gaga over the new beers they were making. I laugh now because she kept talking about how bad most of them tasted. Of course, I had already converted her to homebrew. 8^)
It was nice to learn the history of the place all these years later. I used to love Old Style back in college.
Phil - I must have missed it. The current issue? With the Best Beers in America?
It was in the last BYO, not Zymurgy.
I thought that might be the case… I may need to go pick up a copy at the LHBS.
Or just buy some Old Style. In fact, I think I’ll buy some at the Cubs game on Sunday.
The one time I find Old Style to be a perfect reasonable idea.