
What ever happened to the Onederbrew?

That guy was supposed to send me one to try. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good question.  I remember a long flaming thread on another forum about that product.  It was hilarious to even concieve that he could make good beer in that contraption.  But…I guess I can’t knock as I haven’t tried it.  :-\

“Other home systems out there cannot match our level of performance.”

Because they exceed it…

Seriously though, if all you want to do is boil hopped extract, this could be useful.  But his insistence on this being the only homebrew system you need was silly.

I see my man is still alive and well. Even got him a 10 gallon system now :o

Over on the “board who we don’t mention”, I offered to test the system for him and give as fair an assessment as I could and sent him my info. but never heard back.

Me likes “robust amber ale” kit for only $9.99 per gallon!  If I can extrapolate, it’s 49.95 per 5 gallon batch. :slight_smile: