Optimizing yeast starters.

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117 views and no comments. Wow! That’s got to be a record! :slight_smile:

I read the paper over three times since I posted it, and found a few awkward sentences. They have been corrected, and I’ll update the file PDQ.


I read it, and I am sure that your scheme will work well, but it seems like overkill for most people. I didn’t comment because all I have to add is my personal opinion about whether the extra effort is worth it or not.


Your process may save money, but it produces cultures with low ergosterol and unsaturated fatty acid reserves.  There is reason why cultures and batches are pitched and stepped at high krausen.  Your process also results in low O2 content.


It’s way cool you have a laminar flow hood at your house!

Except that you really need to be within an ISO 7 or better cleanroom for it to be beneficial, otherwise you should really be using an isolator instead. More importantly -  you need to be wearing sterile gloves, man! This is like sticking a kevlar handkerchief in you pocket and acting like you’re wearing a bullet-proof vest.

The pharmacist in me cringed as I scrolled through that.


Some spelling errors in the discussion:

[quote]This procedure makes some frisy yeast, so be


I believe it should be, “This procedure makes for some frisky yeast, so be prepared!”

Interesting process, seems like a lot of work for me but I’m still working on my process. I’d love to pressure can some wort but storage space is a bit limited right now.

