I’m wondering if there is something out there that is better and easier to use than a racking cane, one that would automatically stop when full or something of the nature?
“Stop when full” - are you talking about filling bottles? If so, add a bottling wand which will only fill when you push down on the bottom of the bottle.
yes. this.
i have a spring loaded bottle filler and it’s amazing.
If you are racking from kettle to fermenter, try adding level markers to you cane. This way you can place the cane into to wort at the desired level and not worry about overfilling your fermenter. I prefer the auto siphon to the regular old racking cane.
Spring loaded bottling wand works best for bottling unless you’re willing to pony up some money for something with a level sensor.
Yes, sorry for not clarifying. I’m talking about filling bottles.
Perhaps racking cane wasn’t correct. The little bottle filler that has the spring loaded tip. It works fine, but I’d prefer something I can set on the bottle and it will automatically stop once full. Is something like this made?
I don’t know but I bet you could bodge one together. If you can figure out a way to hold the tubing part of the filler assembly so that there is not to much weight on the bottle filling wand then you should be able to add a float to the bottling wand placed so that it floats up off the bottom when the bottle is full. It would take some experimenting but it would really only have to lift a quarter inch or so.
The ones I’ve seen are expensive multi fillers are are more marketed to the wine industry. Check out the Xpress Fill Level Filler on More Beers website.