Oskar Blues ...

A local watering hole is serving Oskar Blues Gubna, on tap.  Apparently, it’s a double IPA @ 10.5% ABV.  From their site, it appears they have the distinction of being the first craft brewery to can its beers.  Any feedback on this “Gubna” offering, or any of their other brews?

While I’m at it, what’s the skinny on Summit hops?  I’m hearing everything from “grapefruit bomb aroma” to “fresh garlic/onion”.

I’m a big fan of the Oskar Blues beers - Gordon, Ten Fidy, Dale’s Pale, Old Chub.  All nice beers.  I had a bunch more of their beers when I visited Lyons a few years back, but don’t remember their names.

Summit hops are dank like CTZ and citrusy-fruity like Cascade - only the flavor is more orange-tangerine than it is grapefruit-pomelo. They are EXTREMELY high AA%, and with low co-humulone, so you get a real smooth bitterness out of them - an excellent hop, and one of my favorites.

I like many of the Oskar Blues beers. I did not like the Gubna. That one fails as a IIPA. And it had a strong vegal character I could not enjoy. Had a hard time getting through that 6 pack.

I detest Gubna and the garlic and onion hop flavors…YMMV

I haven’t had the Gubna, but it sounds like I don’t need to get more than one :slight_smile:

At least try it before you dismiss it… I think the stuff is awsome…very complex, lots of different flavors going on.  Admittedly it’s not for un-adventurous taste buds, but I found it to be great and on par with all of their products.  And they get extra points for packaging it in cans.

As a very wise man once said, “You’ll never know until you check it out.”

That’s why I’ll get one - to try it.  If I like it, I can get more.

For the record I have adventurous taste buds. But this beer tastes like sweaty arm pits. That’s an adventure I’m just not down for, sorry.

It would be hard to get through a 6-Pack since it comes in 4 packs!    ;D

I love this beer and have never gotten sweatty armpits out of it. Of course I’m normally drinking it fresh at the brewery. My favorite beer of theirs is definitely the TenFidy. I also reaaly like the Gordon.

Of course the other cool part about Oskar’s is that they give homebrewers 25% off on beer and food. Even kegs!  They just opened up a new resteraunt that has 43 taps of all craft beer along with a Cajun inspired menu. Even all of the guest beers including Lost Abbey, Aka, Russian River, etc. are all 25% off for AHA members. You’ve got to appreciate that!

ROTFLMAO - to insinuate that I might not have adventurous taste buds is so funny it just doesn’t even deserve further comment.

The beer sucks IMO due to the use of Summit hops - however some like it and like those aromas and flavors. It’s one of those beers some love and some hate, I’m of the latter group.

I agree Mike, I found the “adventurous taste buds” comment a little silly. I didn’t care for it at all and would not buy it again. And, FTR, haveing to drink 4 probably felt like drinking 6.  ;)

I got through 4 ounces out of an 8 ounce draft pour before giving up and ordering something I enjoyed.

I had a couple of cans of Gubna on a Yellowstone River float trip in early July this year, and thought it was fantastic. River was high and muddy…nothing like getting a good buzz going while floating on a flooding river.

My last river trip the raft flipped, one guy got stuck under it and nearly drowned, another got whacked with a paddle and was bleeding everywhere, and I got swept over some rapids head first.  It was awesome  ;D

This was a professionally guided trip mind you, with no alcohol present.

It’s ok.  I do say silly things sometimes.
It’s part of my M.O.  ;D

I certainly meant no offense! ::slight_smile:
I am a reformed/recovering  beer snob and  big supporter of “to each his own”, especially when it comes to taste in beer. After all, one man’s elixer is another’s poison.

Wait! First you insinuate I have an “unadventurous palate” and then you roll your eyes at me?? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, I think it was more than the Summit hops I disliked. The beer had a cooked cabbage character to me. I was seriously thinking there was some DMS going on. Could have been a bad batch, or one that was not properly taken care of before it landed in my glass. That said, I am also not a fan of Summit hops.

I didn’t find any DMS in the draft I had - just tons of onions and garlic. YMMV

I made an IPA with all Summits once when they were first introduced. I subsequently dumped the beer down the drain. It was like chewing on lemon rinds and rubber bands. Never again.

Ok, I picked up a can a few days ago and finally sat down to drink it tonight.  45 minutes later, I still have about half of it left.  The aroma is pleasant enough, but the flavor has lots of garlic scapes and chives.  This is not my favorite beer.