Overnight mash ingredient question

Okay, I made a sour mash, leaving the mash sit about 4 days… wheew is it smelly, like a sweaty animal or what the bottom of a barn smells like.  :smiley:

I had an absolutely HUGE efficiency jump because I narrowed my gap and from the very long mash itself I believe?  Anyway I’m concerned that its going to finish too dry… is that possible with a sour mash?

Here is the grain bill which gave me 6 gallons of wort.  Actually there is about another gallon or so that I could still get from the MT due to a failed attempt at trying to mashout where I added too much boiling water and still couldn’t hit mashout.  ::)  I’ve NEVER been able to hit 170.  ???  So after this I’m not trying again.

7 lbs. M.O. Pale
1/2 lb. Am. Wheat
1/4 lb Gamb. Honey
1/2 lb. Acidulated Malt to lower the mash ph.

Brewhead’s website says I hit 81% efficiency and I didn’t boil, I have an OG of 1.043 straight out of the MT.  I plan to use S05 yeast and I’m worried its going to finish like wine.  Is there anything I can do?  Or should I just let it rip and see what happens?  I’ve got lactose, I’ve got carapils…

Your calculated efficiency doesn’t really have much of anything to do with the fermentability of the wort.  Your mash temp is more of a factor there (lower temp = higher fermentability = drier beer).  Your efficiency just tells you how much sugar you were able to get out of the grains, fermentable or not.

Oh, and of your two changes, the narrowing of the gap is odds on the reason for the efficiency bump.