Hello, does anyone use pure oxigen to oxigenate wort before fermentation? what grade do you use? hospital or industrial?
i readed on danstar website that if you use hopital grade you have to be aware that it may contain some fungicide
Hello, does anyone use pure oxigen to oxigenate wort before fermentation? what grade do you use? hospital or industrial?
i readed on danstar website that if you use hopital grade you have to be aware that it may contain some fungicide
I use this,
ps, it’s oxYgen
I use those as well, but I do utilize an in-line HEPA filter.
don’t worry about the HEPA filter when using O2. Pure O2 is extremely toxic under long exposure and is essentially self sterilizing.
A little off topic but how long do those HEPA filters last before you need to replace them. When using regular air that is, not O2?
don’t worry about the HEPA filter when using O2. Pure O2 is extremely toxic under long exposure and is essentially self sterilizing.
I was thinking more about dust, metal particles, grease, etc.
I’m sure it’s overkill, but the filter was only 10 bucks, and it’s rated for 120 hours of use (which is enough to oxygenate a couple thousand 5 gallon batches).
according to this, its pretty much all the same