Ozone System for Aeration?

I have a friend that is getting rid of an ozone system from his hot tub. I was wondering if you can use an ozone system to aerate your wort before pitching yeast? I have not seen information anywhere after much searching, so I thought I would pose the question here. I am planning to make the leap to an oxygenation system and wasn’t sure if it’s worth trying to make the ozone work. If not, I will buy a system from morebeer or Northern Brewer. Thanks!

I wouldn’t put it on my beer purely due to how it smells.

I agree with smells, and, contaminants, possible inclusion of a UV light, which will “skunk” your beer, and possible chlorine contamination.

Just because ozone is oxygen, it doesn’t mean it will work. O2 and O3 are very different chemicals. Ozone is highly toxic at concentration, and has very high oxidation potential due to it’s reactivity. Oh, and it’s used industrially in food processing to kill yeast.

This is all correct. That third oxygen atom will want to grab a hold of something, what that is I don’t know. Maybe it will react with hop flavor and aromas in a negative way.

But still, that smell is rough enough for me to avoid just on that.

Great! I wasn’t really sure about how that all happened, so I’m glad I asked. Thanks for all the feedback!

But you could use it on water collected for brewing or drinking, for example, if it is going to sit for a while before use.  A lot of store RO systems have that step as a final process for their RO systems …but I would just skip it.