So Im brewing a partial grain American Wheat which in the instructions doesnt mention anything about utlizing a 2ndry fermenter. Previous batches have.
Now I have read here some people are saying its not necessary. Is that true? Am i losing anything by transferring into the 2ndry? Or gaining?
Also, should I let the krausen fully settle out before transferring if I do?
If you leave it in primary it will clear as much as if you had used a secondary. About the only time you really need a secondary i when you add extra fermentables.
Yep. I use a secondary when I make fruit beers for my wife, otherwise not at all. I’ll be glad when the myth dies out and new brewers can come here without that idea stuck in their heads. Hope it doesn’t take a couple more decades. ;D
It will never die. I know so many people that follow the 1 week primary and 2 week secondary schedule. I think the reason is it often doesn’t hurt to do it.
I have seen many of people say use secondary or you don’t need to. Personally I really don’t think it matters that much. I bottle my beer so I use a secondary just to get it ready for bottling quicker/clearer. But I don’t think it matters. lot of arguments out there for both.
I have seen many of people say use secondary or you don’t need to. Personally I really don’t think it matters that much. I bottle my beer so I use a secondary just to get it ready for bottling quicker/clearer. But I don’t think it matters. lot of arguments out there for both.