Dean… so I’m guessing that you wouldn’t be in favor of making a Fat : Elvis beer by adding peanut butter to a hefewiezen to get that peanut butter & nanner thing he was so into? :
I guess I would “try” a glass… but yep I’m not into any of the beers that taste like something else really. Now if somebody said beer with a subtle pb taste… I might be more interested but to make a beer that tastes like pb… yeck! LOL! :D It reminds me … I just saw a show where they made jellybeans with wierd tastes… earwax… puke… :o Why oh Why would Anyone want to eat candy that tasted like something the body expells?!! Weirdos!!!
Wouldn’t the oil from the peanuts kill the flavor anyway?
I say just have some phad thai with your weizenbier and call it a day!
…not that I haven’t been interested in rather oddball beers myself.
Hey, you could make a pad thai beer by mashing with rice noodles and roasted peanuts, steeping with birdseye chilies and basil and dosing with fish sauce!