I predominantly want a pH meter for mead making, but also to check the pH for all grain beer. I have around $100 to spend. Anyone recommend something that is accurate, reliable, durable, little upkeep? I realize you have to soak the probes frequently in storage solution. Plus, I noticed the milwaukee meter does not correct for temperature about 140 degrees. is that a problem for all grain? Thanks!
Just $20, works great, no problems. Save some money.
No matter what ph meter you get you want to take your reading at room temp for both accuracy and the life of your probe. I got the mw 102 and have have no complaints.
I’ve had a MW 102 for about a year and a half, and it has been a POS since I got it. It’s is utterly unreliable and takes eons to settle on a reading. Others have had great luck with theirs, but if I had it to do over, I’d follow Dave’s advice and save $120.
For the love of man, get the Omega PH-7011. It’s about $100 and the best pH meter I have found. I tried to go cheap and picked up a Milwaukee PH55 (pen style) that was maybe $49. It was terrible. Would not read right, wouldn’t calibrate, I talked to their support people, etc. Brutally bad. I bought the Omega and the light came on. It rarely needs to be calibrated and it just works. I have mentioned this to a number of other brewers frustrated by their meters and once they got the Omega they were all on board. Just my experience, not a paid spokesperson.
Although it’s not the pH meter I have (I’ve got an Oakton Acorn pH 5), the Omega pH-7011 looks very nice for the price. You generally won’t find good quality pH meters at your local homebrew supply shop.
Regardless of which meter you decide to get, be sure to keep the bulb in electrode storage solution when the meter is not in use. If you don’t use the meter much, check it regularly to be sure there’s sufficient storage solution. Letting the bulb dry out is the quickest way to ruin the electrode.