PHAT ???? Ale

I brewed this beer last night. I thought it would be fun to make beer names using the first letter of the hops/additions used. This one is PHAT. My question is… what beer type this would fall into?

Pale? Blonde? Golden?

Not sure what it technically would be. It was not as light colored as I had hoped. So, I would assume Pale Ale.

Recipe -

OG – 1.052
IBUs ~26

Steeping -
1 lbs Briess Carapils

60 Minute Boil -
6lbs NB Organic Light LME
1lbs Honey

Hops/Additions -
.25oz Apollo – 60min
.5oz Tettnang – 20min
1tsp Irish Moss – 15min
.5oz Sweet Orange Peel – 10min
.5oz Palisade – 5min
.5oz Horizon – 1min

Yeast -
1pkg Safale US-05

Call it Dorthy Parker (an American Wit)


Think your IBUs are too low for a Pale, I’d call it a Blonde (BJCP Cat 6B)

It is too bad you did not have a Belgian yeast strain for this.

I figured out the “iBrewMaster” app on determining styles. Blonde Ale is what it would be as “hokerer” suggested.

doesn’t carapils need to be mashed?

I Don’t think so, generally cara means it’s a caramel/crystal product so it has already been mashed in it’s little skin.