Picobrew Z1 Batch Size

If I want 2.5 gallons into my keg, do I want my batch size set to 2.5 gallons in the beta recipe crafter or larger?

In most recipe crafters the batch size is the volume into the fermenter not  the package volume. Is that the case for Picobrew? The Zymatic recipe crafter specifically called for volume of finished beer. I assume that was package volume. Although, I guess I could be misinterpreting that language.

That’s what I do and it seems to work out.  For a definitive answer, email kevin@picobrew.com.  Mention my name.

Sorry to bother.  Just to be sure I understand…

You use 2.5G as the batch size? No need to bother Kevin over the holidays. I’ll just do what you do and see what happens. Thanks.

Keep us posted on the outcome. Learning curves are fun aren’t they?!?!

You’re right. But, I am sure I am over thinking it.

I just finished my rinse. That was easy. She’s clean and ready to brew in the morning. If it wasn’t my first brew I would set it up to be done brewing right after a race I have first thing. But, I want to sit in a lawn chair and watch the action.

I am mashed in on an American Pale Ale.

The step filter is filled to the rim with wort.

Well, how did we do?  Have time to figure out what you’re gonna do different next brew yet? ( it usually takes me sleeping on it )

It went pretty well.  The system is fairly easy to use and clean. I don’t think I made any boneheaded mistakes or had any problems. I did get stumped (after drinking a few) trying to figure out how to connect the wort chiller. Google solved that one for me.

I ended up with about 2.75 gallons of wort. That was actually my guess for the ending volume so I got lucky there.

My OG was 8 points below what the recipe crafter predicted: 1046 vs. 1054. At 1046 I think the beer should be fine. I really wanted 1050 so 1046 is not terribly low. My main change here will probably be to use more grain next time.  I calculate 62% efficiency into the fermenter.  Considering the Z is no sparge, I think 62% is fairly reasonable. I am not sure I could get it much higher.  On the other hand, Picobrew recommends a coarser crush than I am using. So, that is another change I could make.

I am fermenting in a Big Mouth Bubbler. I did that so I could measure the final wort volume.

The other trouble I had was with my wort chiller. There was tons of foam in the chiller. It turns out there was a pinhole in one side of the tubing. I think that was letting in air. I may buy a Jaded corny pillar. I think it would be a lot simpler to use and clean.

I’d call that a successful first run! Maybe brew few more times, collect some data, and you can start to see some trends before making changes.

You were concerned with your grain — maybe start there. I’ve been impressed with Pearl’s small Weyermann’s and Simpson’s selection lately. They don’t have everything but I can see a Pils, Bitter, or APA in the inventory on their shelves. (I wish they’d refrigerate their hops and yeast.)

BTW I can vouch for Jaded products. My Hydra is rock solid.

Pearly’s does have decent malt selection but expensive. I use them for dry yeast and specialty malts occasionally.

Re:malt. I have full bags of root shoot waiting to brew. I am just trying to get through my Viking and Briess stock first. I am almost there. Before the Root Shoot opportunity came up, I had purchased a bunch of 10# bags from Morebeer. Grain is pretty cheap there if you get over the $59 free shipping minimum and buy 10# bags.

I think the Picobrew Z1 was a success. I use more grain per batch with the Grainfather. The Grainfather has higher mash efficiency but the Picobrew Z1 has much less system loss.

Is the low 60’s pretty standard with efficiency for these systems? I usually get about 73% when I do no sparge for my 1V BIAB.

I’m in the 65-70% range.

Today I brewed an 805 Blonde clone. Efficiency was up to 67%. I used the High Efficiency Mash setting. I collected 2.78 gallons of wort.  I planned for 62% (what I got last batch) so my beer has 4 extra gravity points but 1050 (where it ended up) is my sweet spot.

Today’s wort looks a bit cloudy. I didn’t see much cold break.  Today I used an ice bath to cool. It was not that bad. The wort is very foamy when chilling. Maybe that helps oxidize the wort before pitching yeast. But, it is also annoying to pour so much foam into the fermenter. I have a Jaded Corny Pillar ordered. I think will be a faster better way to chill with no foam. Hopefully, the Corny Pillar arrives before my next batch.

Also today, I kegged my first Picobrew Z1 batch (American Pale Ale). It tastes great: exactly like it should.  Nice and hoppy like I would expect.

I did a Z brew last week.  After the Brew is done, I run a drain rather than a record (no foam) then chill with the corny pillar.  Then I stick a Brewjacket Immersion Pro in the keg for fermentation.

Do you do that manually? Or is there a way to use the advanced editor to have the Z1 drain to the keg after the last brew step?

I went into the advanced editor and subbed a drain for the chill.  Seems like I eliminated the pause to connect chiller step, too, but I can’t recall.

My Z1 was reporting overheating errors while heating to mash temperature yesterday. It had already added water to the mash for a rest. The step filter filled nearly to the top. The hop compartments were flooded also.

I wasn’t sure what was happening. After a couple feeble attempts at fixing I gave up and move to my Grainfather.

24 hours later I figured out the source of the problem. The Z1 has a drain tube grommet that connects to a small tube. The tube dips into the wort and sucks it out of a tub (the step filter).

Here is a drain tube grommet.

Here is my bad drain tube grommet close up.

I think maybe a mouse took a bite. I can’t imagine what else might have taken that chunk out of it. With the bad drain tube grommet the drain pump was just sucking air.

Luckily the Z1 ships with a spare grommet. I replaced it and the system seems to function fine.