Pitch rate discrepency

Hello all,

I am new to brewing (brewing my first batch Saturday). I have bought a quality setup and have done a fair amount of research to minimize mistakes on my first batch. While I still expect some trial and error, I’m trying to work out some bugs prior to brewing. While calculating my yeast pitch rate I used Imperial Yeasts yeast pitch calculator and compared it to Brewfather and found a significant difference.

I am brewing an amber for my first beer with a target OG of 1.052 with a FG of 1.014 and using Imperial yeast’s Juice. Imperial Yeast’s calculator calls for .9 packages of yeast while Brewfather calls for 1.6 packages. Not having prior experience, I don’t understand how much this could affect the beer, but it seems like a 50%+ increase in yeast could make a considerable difference. Yeast pitch is one area that I still need to do some research so I’m sure there may be something misunderstanding or not accounting for. If anyone could shine some light on this I would be very grateful!

What is the best before date?

Rule of thumb… if your OG is 1.060 or less you can pitch one pouch of Imperial yeast with no worries.

I have no experience with your software but from using Beersmith for several years I know that you need to enter the best-by date from the package when you enter the yeast into your recipe.

5 gallon batch?

Thanks for the replies everyone -super helpful. I did in fact forget to set the best by date and that cleared up the issue. It now calls for 1 pkg of the yeast!

Important information is also the batch size as well as fermentation temperature.  Like Kevin, I also use BeerSmith for all my calculations (except water acidification) and it’s pretty accurate once the Equipment Profile is tuned in to your system.