Pitching rate

So today i’m going to brew a 3gal IPA with an estimated O.G. of 1.080, according to Mr.Malty i only need one 11.5g pkg. does this make sense? i bought 2pkgs thinking that the high O.G. would “out weigh” the vol of the batch. So my question should i pitch both pkgs or just one?

If Mr malty says one I’d trust it. I’m not surprised that one 11.5g packet would be enough.

+1 to trusting Mr. Malty.  You should be fine with just one 11.5g pack of dry yeast.

Ok thanks. I guess the volume is bigger factor than i thought, i just brewed a 5gal ESB with an O.G. 1.051 and it also only need a 1pkg, so hence my surprise for the IPA, but i will go with the one pkg.

Think in terms of gravity units.  3 gal. of 1.080 = 240 gravity units (3*80=240).  5 gal. of 1.051 = 250 gravity units…pretty much the same.

just popping in to say I prefer yeastcalc.com, in case you’ve never heard of it.

That makes a lot of sense, thanks for the hint. As a “newbie” to this hobby i appreciate of the help I get on this site.

Also remember that those pitching rates assume that you’re rehydrating. If not, you need to double the amount of dry yeast to account for the loss in viability.

thanks, i was not planning re-hydrating the yeast but that is good to know

I hate to kick up the old “rehydrate vs. sprinkle” debate, but you should be fine with 1 pack even if you don’t rehydrate. A lot of the side-by-side comparisons I’ve seen are fairly ambiguous over which method results in a better tasting beer. In my limited experience with beers similar to the one you’re planning on brewing, sprinkling 1 pack of dry yeast has given me clean, tasty beer with no off-flavors.

Test after test have shown that people are confident in their opinions.  ???

[quote]Test after test have shown that people are confident in their opinions.
