Plastic Buckets vs Inox Fermentor

Hey everyone,

We have a chance of buying an inox conical fermentor in order to substitute the classical plastic buckets. We produce around 10gals…

I have a few questions regarding this change…

  1. Is it actually worth the change?
  2. How do I do second fermentation in bottle? Can I open the yeast tap, let all the yeast out, then add the sugar and from the other tap, bottle? Or would I have to pass it to another fermentor and all the rest…?
  3. Does fermentation change…? I heard it takes upto 3 days less to ferment…but still it would be necessary to leave it some time to get rid of DMS etc…?
  4. Anything regarding dry hopping?

Thank you very much in advance!

Conicals do have an advantage with the bottom dump valve.  You can dump cold break, yeast, dry hops for more dry hops, and so on.  Yes, you can use it as a bottling bucket by mixing in priming sugar and bottling through the racking port.