Pliny water

I’m brewing the pliny clone listed here:
(seems to be the same as the one in Zymurgy)

Anyway, after reading several posts on water profiles for this beer I’ve come up with this (using RO water as a base so just ignore the “existing water profile” listed):

Going up to 300 or 350 ppm sulfate scared me.  :-[ But I read that the SO4/CL ratio for this beer should be really high, like 7.

I started with Tasty’s profile and changed what I thought should change to bring sulfates down to 200 while keeping SO4/CL near 7.

Am I over thinking this? Should I just use his additions and not worry? When I first entered them the estimated mash ph was 5.1.

I can attest to Tasty’s water profile making a PHENOMENAL IPA. I have been drinking my house IPA using his water profile for the first time and man can I taste the difference. I urge you to try it!

EDIT: AFAIK this is profile Randy Mosher uses as well.

Well, then I’ll just go with it and not worry.  :D  Yes, I also read that about it being what Mosher uses.

I’m pretty sure Greg Noonan wrote that he used 700 ppm sulfates for his IPA. I’ll check the book when I get home.

I think 400 ppm isn’t too much. I REALLY enjoy the minerally, tight bitterness in my IPA at this level. I thought about experimenting with even higher levels.