Polishing kegs

Hey guys, new member here from PDX Oregon. Been brewing for a couple of years now (all grain). I brew on a home made version of the brutus 10. I use full size kegs for my kettles. I have seen brewers using the same kegs but they are really polished up nice. How do you guys do that? Any help would be appreciated. And I apologize if the question has already been asked.

Here’s an earlier thread that started with a pic of shiny kegs and someone asked how he did it…


Don’t know how high a polish you want, but Bar Keepers Friend and a green scrubbie pad will give you a good start. I’ve used this to really clean up corny kegs.

Might not be as high a polish as you want, but it’s an easy start. To go much beyond that, I’d imagine you’d want  a polishing wheel or pad on a power drill. Keep going with finer & finer grit paper and then finer polishing compounds.

Thanks guys, that helps a lot. Where do you get the Bar Keepers Friend?

Bar Keepers Friend should be available in most any grocery store in the polishes/cleaners aisle.

Mark knows what he’s talking about.  His wife is polish.
ba dum tum

I read about soda blasting your keg to get it super clean. You stick your air nozzle in a slit in a tube, and you aim one end at your keg and stick the other end in a box of arm and hammer baking soda. So you make a 7 with the hose, the air gun comes in and you got a T looking thing. Bottom of the T goes in the box, the 7 aims at the keg and you shoot. Hose away the mess.

I’m gonna need to find pics to explain this aren’t I?  :-\



Sounds like “fuzzy logic”  ;D

Did you try that?  I would think it wouldn’t create enough vacuum to suck the powder up. If it did you’d empty that box in a matter of seconds and wouldn’t have a shiny anything…just some thick baking soda fog…