Possible Source for 55 gal SS barrel

Found this for a reasonable price?


For those really BIG batches.

Seems like a good deal since it’s food-grade.

I would want to know what cancer causing, radioactive, poison, toxic gunk was in these first. I know it says they are very clean, but…

How can they be cannibalistic AND humanoid? Unless they eat each other but not people - but that doesn’t sound like a very good movie. No, the entire premise seems flawed.

That’s a very good point. Where do they come from for instance? China? God only knows what was stored in them if that’s the case.

No question it wasn’t a very good movie (actually, it was so bad it was almost funny) but the premise fit right in with the concern  ::slight_smile:

The basic premise of the film is that homeless folks that live underground have come in contact with radioactive materials which transform them into horrible-looking mutants that go on a rampage and kill men and women for dinner. The creatures look quite impressive. This film also throws some social commentary into the mix as well concerning the ever burgeoning homeless problem as well as the storage of harmful wastes.

If they are food grade they are probably fine. Stainless is really easy to clean and does not absorb very easy. We bought some 55 gal. drums a while back that had held vegetable oil and they cleaned up perfectly. The first batch off the system had killer head retention. That said, I would not have wanted to use them had they contained, say, motor oil. But I don’t think people will spend the money for food grade tanks when they are storing toxic items. Food grade is extra coinage so no once is going top spend the extra money to store toxic soup in the more expensive containers.

Funny though, I have been having this exact same problem with my partners who let their imaginations run away with them about “what was stored in these things before”. Granted, you need to be careful, but usually you can find out with a few emails or telephone calls.

After doing a little digging, I’m pretty sure those barrels were used in the manufacture of Soylent Green.

Well, at least that makes them “food grade”


Good one!

My effin g, I try to do my fellow homebrewers a favor
and find a source for a possible large ss vessel

And then WE consume ETOH willingly!   ???

[quote author=Wikipedia=Drug effects
Pure ethanol will irritate the skin and eyes. Nausea, vomiting and intoxication are symptoms of ingestion. Long term use can result in serious liver damage.[81] Atmospheric concentrations above one in a thousand are above the European Union Occupational exposure limits.[81]

[edit] Short-term
Main article: Short-term effects of alcohol
BAC (mg/dL) BAC
(% v/v) Symptoms[82]
50 0.05% Euphoria, talkativeness, relaxation
100 0.1 % Central nervous system depression, nausea, possible vomiting, impaired motor and sensory function, impaired cognition

140 >0.14% Decreased blood flow to brain
300 0.3% Stupefaction, possible unconsciousness
400 0.4% Possible death
550 >0.55% Death
[edit] Effects on the central nervous system
Ethanol is a central nervous system depressant and has significant psychoactive effects in sublethal doses; for specifics, see effects of alcohol on the body by dose. Based on its abilities to change the human consciousness, ethanol is considered a psychoactive drug.[83] Death from ethyl alcohol consumption is possible when blood alcohol level reaches 0.4%. A blood level of 0.5% or more is commonly fatal. Levels of even less than 0.1% can cause intoxication, with unconsciousness often occurring at 0.3–0.4%.[84]

The amount of ethanol in the body is typically quantified by blood alcohol content (BAC), the milligrams of ethanol per 100 milliliters of blood. The table at right summarizes the symptoms of ethanol consumption. Small doses of ethanol generally produce euphoria and relaxation; people experiencing these symptoms tend to become talkative and less inhibited, and may exhibit poor judgment. At higher dosages (BAC > 100 mg/dl), ethanol acts as a central nervous system depressant, producing at progressively higher dosages, impaired sensory and motor function, slowed cognition, stupefaction, unconsciousness, and possible death.

More specifically, ethanol acts in the central nervous system by binding to the GABA-A receptor, increasing the effects of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA (ie. it is a positive allosteric modulator)[85].

Prolonged heavy consumption of alcohol can cause significant permanent damage to the brain and other organs. See Alcohol consumption and health.

In America, about half of the deaths in car accidents occur in alcohol-related crashes.[86] The risk of a fatal car accident increases exponentially with the level of alcohol in the driver’s blood.[87] Most drunk driving laws governing the acceptable levels in the blood while driving or operating heavy machinery set typical upper limits of blood alcohol content (BAC) between 0.05% and 0.08%.

Discontinuing consumption of alcohol after several years of heavy drinking can also be fatal. Alcohol withdrawal can cause anxiety, autonomic dysfunction, seizures and hallucinations. Delirium tremens is a condition that requires people with a long history of heavy drinking to undertake an alcohol detoxification regimen.

[edit] Effects on metabolism
Main articles: Ethanol metabolism and Alcohol dehydrogenase
Ethanol within the human body is converted into acetaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase and then into acetic acid by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. The product of the first step of this breakdown, acetaldehyde,[88] is more toxic than ethanol. Acetaldehyde is linked to most of the clinical effects of alcohol. It has been shown to increase the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver,[76] multiple forms of cancer, and alcoholism.


Euphoria, talkativeness, relaxation

To be sure, if I was in the market, I’d buy one of those in a heartbeat.

Hey Major - What output were the burners you were using to brew in 55 gal barrels.  I have found a good local deal on them and was wondering how feasible it would be to use them.

OK…you got me on that one ;D

Sorry I missed this: Here’s the burner I use. I had the bigger one but it was too big and used too much propane. This one works perfectly for the size.