Did anyone get the email of the Wyermann rep who said he would provide Weyermann recipes?
When are the seminars going to be available online? I missed a lot of seminars that interested me and I want to review the slides for the ones I did go to.
Did anyone get the email of the Wyermann rep who said he would provide Weyermann recipes?
When are the seminars going to be available online? I missed a lot of seminars that interested me and I want to review the slides for the ones I did go to.
Dunno about Weyermann. Probably another week or so for seminars.
The little brewery at Weyermann makes a lot of different beers, but here is what they have online.
Having tasted the beers after the tour of the maltings, I was not all that impressed.
Yea, I have looked at those recipes, and I guessed so. Its a small system as well with no o2 control. It’s going to taste like run of the mill homebrew/craftbrew, not typical larger German macro.
They make great malt but the recipes on their site are interesting (being diplomatic)
The Weyermann rep said that there were other recipes not on the website that were available.
Still waiting for the homebrewcon seminars to be posted!
The pdf for the Hardcore Mild presentation appears to be corrupted. I get repeated “Failed to load pdf document” messages.
sent a message to AHA staff.
Thanks for pointing this out- and thanks for alerting me, free folk of the forum!
There was a problem with the file source. I’m not sure what the issue was, but it’s been replaced with the correct file. Sorry about that. Let me know if you run into any more issues like this.
Also - apologies on the delay in posting these. We transitioned to a new format for these seminar recordings, which includes video (we hope you like it!). As you can imagine, the editing process for these was a tiny bit more involved than it was in previous years.
Hey Matt—well worth waiting for, in my opinion. Well done. Like the videos.
[quote]Like the videos.
Especially since it makes Drew’s (one could insert Marshall and his fanny pack, Denny, etc.) head that much smaller! I do like the focus on the slides, however, I miss some of the “looks” and antics on some of the panels that is pretty entertaining. Especially the mead panel - where you know some eyes were rolling, but just couldn’t really tell!
All in all though - well done!
I like the videos as well. For a guy who couldn’t go, I get a better sense of the room.