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$4.18 here for regular unleaded.

I ran out of gas about 50 feet from my driveway Friday night.  I was coming home from work, I had stopped at the gas station across the steet before heading home but they had sold out of regular and mid-grade and the clerk couldn’t get the pump to turn on for some reason so I chanced it coming home… glad it made it that far.  I put it in first gear and used the starter to get it into my driveway… uphill.  :stuck_out_tongue:

The average here is 3.60 for regular, 3.90 for premium

Just paid $3.87 here this morning.  Not as nice as the $3.56 I paid during a trip last weekend.

I use before buying.

Paid $4.03 yesterday.

$5.22 CAN for 1 US gallon.  Add on the exchange rate and it jumps to $5.53 US/gal.

It was $3.87 for regular at home and out in West Texas it was that price and higher. Think I paid $3.97 per to fill my car up for the drive back.

Didn’t even look at prices on I-10 where there’s usually 20+ cents added to the local price.

The current prices are supposed to be temporary and trend back down, but I think we’ll see $5 gas this year. :frowning:

Dean, ya’ll are running out of fuel?

1.50 euros/liter=5.69 euros/gallon= $8.42/gallon.


$4.59 for 87 octane

$8.30 / Gal for 98

But then I have trains to take me everywhere (except groceries & church)

4.099 in Northern WI

$3.69 for regular around here.

3.91 average here

$3.97 last time I filled up about a week ago.  The car was telling me it’s thirsty this morning and will only haul me another 29 miles until I give it a drink so I guess it’s time to find out what the prices are this week.

$4.13 near my house yesterday.

4.37 a gallon for Diesel here…filled up my truck to the tune of 130 bucks!!

$3.86 regular
$4.19 diesel

$3.66 at Sams Club down here in the sand pit.

3.94 ethanol and 4.09 diesel here at my station.

Here in Hawaii we have E10.  You can get a special use permit to buy ethanol-free gas for boats and small engines.

Anybody out there using E85?