postcards from all 50 states

Good Morning All,

Need to rally the homebrewing community for something totally non-brewing related…

My daughter’s 6th grade class is trying to collect as many postcards as they can from all 50 states, obviously the more my daughter gets the better… so if there is anyone out there who could send a postcard to her, send me a direct email (address below) with your mailing address. She’ll hand-write you a letter, and you can mail a postcard back to her.  Or if any of you has a child in grade school, she could address the letter to your child.

Being from the Northeast, any state outside New England and the whole NY-NJ-PA-OH-WV-MD-DE area has a lot more cachet… but really, she’ll accept anything.

You can send your address to redzim at mailstack dot com

thanks very much

I’ve got a 7th grader who can help out.  I sent you her name address.  We may even see if we can get her class involved.  :smiley:


Sent you an email.