Pot Brownie

So I have a fantastic sweet chocolate stout recipe that tastes like brownies. My plan is to use this chocolate stout recipe, set aside a few gallons and try dry hopping it in order to make a “pot brownie” variation. I just wanted some suggestions as far as what hops to use or different ingredients. I was thinking that if I dry hopped it, it would still be sweet and not much flavor would come from the hops but the aroma would make it smell similar to a pot brownie. I’m trying to keep it legal here so I’m not going to just throw some weed in the mix. Thoughts/suggestions?

Pot/dank = Columbus hops. Period.  :slight_smile:

I’d use a blend. Columbus, chinook, simcoe, apollo.

Pot/dank = Columbus hops. Period.  :slight_smile:


How many ounces do you think I should add per gallon and for how long in order to not add flavor but get a good aroma? In secondary?

How many ounces do you think I should add per gallon and for how long in order to not add flavor but get a good aroma? In secondary?


Maybe .5 oz/gallon at flameout (no steep) would give you some good aroma with minimal flavor.

Maybe .5 oz/gallon at flameout (no steep) would give you some good aroma with minimal flavor.


So at flameout? How long should I leave the hops in? Until primary ferment is complete? Like a week or so?

So at flameout? How long should I leave the hops in? Until primary ferment is complete? Like a week or so?


At flameout, then cool. If you dry hop or steep the hops, you’ll pick up more flavor than you seem to want. Add at flameout and chill immediately and you’ll get mostly aroma.

I thought this was really going to be about pot brownies. Now that it is legal it’s an interesting question wether or not it violates our rule about talking about illegal activities. I suppose not as long as you are in a state where it’s legal.

How many ounces do you think I should add per gallon and for how long in order to not add flavor but get a good aroma? In secondary?


yup, Columbus are pretty dank, comet tastes and smells like a good sativa strain to me as well.

Ha!  And here I was going to drop a recipe on a stout once that I brewed way back in college 20 or so years ago with the cousin.

I was about to give out my majoun recipe I adapted from William S. Borough’s autobiography. It was closer to twenty days ago than twenty years ago since I last made it though. Theoretically. I’m not actually admitting anything.

Probably because you just can’t “remember” right?

You should definitely use some “Hop Hash” in it  :wink:

Give us the brownie recipe…we will work on the pot part and get back to you…

Definitely Columbus.

This thread reminds me of an idea I had years back to brew an all-Columbus IPA using a musty/funky Brett strain and calling it “1970’s basement”.

Proper etiquette for serving that beer to people  would be sitting in a circle and passing it around.

Chug, chug, give?

Nice. Probably want to have the Dead playing on the stereo, too.  :slight_smile:

Would this be on a quadraphonic stereo? Just seems appropriate.

But in all seriousness… Columbus for sure… maybe even cut it with a touch of Simcoe.

Proper serving glass would be a bong, correct?