Anyone make that potato beer that is running on the AHA homepage right now? I took a look at it and it looked interesting but I’m wondering if anyone has done it. Since the potatoes aren’t cooked I assume the starch gelatinizes OK with the hot water? Is this a sparging nightmare? Seems like it should be.
I’d probably do a regular cereal mash first. I don’t think I’d trust just throwing raw potatoes into my mash. It does sound like something I’ll have to try, though.
My first thought was “sounds like vodka”.
I have heard of people using “potato buds” type products rather than raw potatoes. The same idea as flaked wheat.
I think you would have to precook the raw potatoes to get much out of them. I don’t see mash temps being able to do it alone.
You’ll need to “mash” the potatoes first before mashing. Make mashed potatoes first to gelatinize and make the potato starch accessible and then do a normal mash. I would use white potatoes over red potatoes b/c red contains more amylopectin, IIRC.
I wondered what kind of potato would work best. I was thinking Yukon Gold, but that’s not based on anything but my gut feeling.
I would think you would want a starchier potato. s good ol’ russet burbank maybe. does make one think though, what about a purple potato.
when you boil those the water turns green, st. paddies day beer?
Morts right. Yukon Golds are waxy potatos that have a higher water content and less starch than mealy potatos such as the Russet. That’s why russets make way better French fries. Purples fall into the mealy category.
Make mashed potatoes first
I would not want to put my mashed potatoes in beer. Leave out the butter, cream, garlic, etc.