priming boil and cool question


I’ve read about a million different perspectives on how long you should boil the priming solution, and to what temperature it should be cooled before you add it to the bottling bucket.  Any thoughts here on what the right answer is?  Or is there?

Thanks in advance


I boil just for a minute to make sure the sugar is dissolved.  That’s all that’s needed.  I don’t cool it at all…pour it into the bottling bucket and rack the beer on top.  That’ll cool it immediately.

That’s exactly what I have been doing for the past year or so. Easy and effective.

I do something pretty similar. I start racking with the tube running around the outside of my bottling bucket. this way the beer coming in swirls around the bucket. Once there’s an inch or so of beer in the bucket I add my boiled sugar solution. This does a good job of mixing it well, and I don’t worry about most of the sugar staying on the bottom of the bucket.

I add my sugar to about a cup of water in a mason jar, then microwave it for 2 minutes to dissolve.

thanks all!