Pro Brewery Efficiency

Looking for some input for 3-10 bbl brewery efficiencies. Thanks.

not sure how to answer. It will depend n your equipment and process.

Ask your vendors, then subtract 10% or so for raw material pricing/ordering at first.

Just like in homebrew, efficiency can hinge on the operator and process as much as the equipment.

What I was trying to do was find a conservative efficiency to put in beersmith to project materials ordering/pricing.  Is 75% conservative enough, too conservative?  I know it will vary with equipment, but since I don’t have that equipment yet, I’m making a lot of assumptions.

75% is a good place to start.  What do you normally get on your homebrew equipment?

About 70-75%.

I would set it at 70% if you are doing cost projections.  It is always better to overestimate your costs than to underestimate them.

If your brewhouse is between 3 and 10 BBLs, I’m guessing you won’t have rakes in the mash tun and will need to agitate the mash by hand.  If this is the case, I think you can assume that your efficiency won’t be much different than your homebrewing efficiency (at least, it’s a good place to start, like others have suggested).  But as you start to get into brewhouse sizes like 15, 20, 30 BBLS, I think the efficiency should increase pretty dramatically, as the mash is constantly agitated by rakes in those systems (more like 80%-85%).  At least, this is what my research over the past few months leads me to believe.