I recently built a base and hopper for my MM-3. When I did a test run with a handful of grain I notice not all the grain is being pulled between the top two rollers. In fact, most grain just spins as the rollers turn. It’s almost as if the knurls aren’t pulling the grain in or the gap is too small. I understand the top gap is fixed so I didn’t figure that could be a problem. The rollers spin freely so the mill isn’t twisted. I was using pilsner malt so grain size shouldn’t be an issue. Any thoughts?
Once mine just spun with no grain being engaged. I pressed some grain into the top rollers with a dowel, it engaged, and the whole batch went through. Can’t remember if it was pils malt or not.
When I setup my motor on my mill I didn’t take into the fact the my mill was running one way and the pulley the opposite. First time ever setting anything up with pulleys, then realized I set it up backwards and it wasn’t pulling the grain through, just bouncing it around and only a few kernels made it through unmilled. Took it to a shop that does machine work and had them swap out the bushings and it works like a charm now.