Problems with heights.....??

Do not watch this unless seated in a chair equipped with a restraining device. If you have been drinking you may want to have a small bucket nearby…

Long linky shortened.

I can walk steel at four or five stories. But that is out of the question. That takes a certain kind of person for sure.

I’ve jumped out of a plane, but this just seems dangerous!  :o

I’ve been clocked doing 165mph in the rain @ daytona on a motorcycle but no frikkin wayy would I ever do that  :o

I kept waiting for him to stop climbing.
“from here it’s only 60 more feet to the top”

I get queasy sitting on rest area toilets. But, that dudes glutes must look amazing!!  ;D

Here’s one for yas:

Someones got to do it. But not me. Not ever.

I used to not be afraid of heights.  In about 81, when I was touring as a roadie, I decided I’d take a job as a rigger hanging points for chain motors.  I could make an extra $100-200 a day in just a few minutes.  Everything went fine until we were playing a hockey rink somewhere in Canada.  As I was crawling out a beam to hang a point, I looked down and thought “I could die”.  That was all it took.  It took me nearly 1/2 an hour to inch my way back.  My palms are sweating as I type this just thinking about it.  To this day, if I do much more than stand on a chair, I start losing it.  I even have a hard time watching movies involving heights.

I’m not afraid of heights, but that made me nauseous.  Err, let me re-phrase that, I’m not afraid of heights in enclosed spaces - elevators, skyscrapers, airplanes etc - but is I’m up so high that the wind (or any other weather) could cause me to fall, I’ll tense right up, especially if I have to rely on my own coordination and agility (or lack there of) to survive.

I’m glad someone has the stones to do that, but I’m more glad its not me…

Im not afraid of heights, its the fall that Im afraid of.

I’ve been on a lot of roofs, doing HVAC work, dropping flu-liners. I can do with a ranch house, if the pitch is not to bad. But, get me a two story, or anything over a 8-12 pitch, and I’m done. I do ok in a scissor lift, no matter how high. I’ve been in many ceiling that were a 20’ drop or better. Ok, with that too. Funny thing, I’m not scared of the height. I’m afraid of what I’ll. When I get up high, I get an almost uncontrollable urge to jump. As dumb as it sounds, I really have to talk myself out of it, and it’s not easy. I heard a few other guys that have the same thing happen.
 I have fallen out of one attic, and through the drop ceiling. Took the whole grid down with me, about a ten foot drop. Ironically, it turned out to be my last day working for that company… :-\

I’m not afraid of the fall, just the sudden deceleration at the end.  :D

Tubercle too. A terrible way to die. Too much time to think about it. I saw the films of those folks jumping out of the trade towers.

Not afraid of heights but what is holding me up. Buildings & planes OK, scaffolding not so much.

Watching this video made me sick. Had to drink a few extras to regain my composure.

That’s weird. I had the same feeling standing at the back of a cruise ship watching the wake. It’s like “go ahead…it’s OK”. I liked to freaked the F&%c out!

Later, much later, this was mentioned to Ms. Tubercle, she said she had the same experience. What causes that?!?

Watching too many crazy YouTube vids!

edit: maybe being married to each other! LOL!

That’s excatly what I’m talking about. Something tells me to do it. It’s ok, it’ll be fun. My worst experience with it always happens at Niagra Falls. Last time I was there, I literally had to stand 50’ back from the rail, it was so overwhelming. It’s a very scary feeling.

Yeah, I should say that I dont walk the beams anymore. I put my feet on the bottom flange and do the shimmy out to where I have to go. Fortunately only have to do this sometimes.

When I first worked on steel in the Iron Workers I had a brief training lesson in school and they sent me right up. I was doing but got scared like Denny did, started doing the shimmy and the guy I was up there with started yelling down. “Can you get someone up here that can walk!”. I was so embarrassed.

I didnt last long. They got me a job in the navy yard, worked there for a couple of years and then went on to something else.

Not every one can do it. That tower climb is unbelievable. I would rather be lowered from a helicopter.

We may be infected with alien arsenic eating bacteria :smiley:

Here’s to your being lowered by a helicopter thing.

Crazy folks live in this world.