Well, since I saw a Diablo 3 thread out there, I figured I would throw in a plug for Project Fedora.
Calling all Adventure Gamers out there: Project Fedora (texmurphy.com) is now live! The Tex Murphy games were sci-fi/detective adventure games, and left with a huge cliffhanger about 15 years ago. If you like adventure games, you should check out the old games over at gog.com. If you like Tex, then you should consider offering a bit over on kickstarter to help fund the reboot of the series.
If you want names… Chris Jones (co-founder of Access SW), and Aaron Connors (sr. developer at EA) are the founders of Tex. They’ve cast people like James Earl Jones in their games, and they do a great job.
my first linux box was a slackware 1996 ish. I had to make rootdisk and bootdisk floppies. times sure have changed. My house has been microsoft free since 2001. freebsd, kubuntu and lubuntu makeup our household computing environments.
I like gnome- KDE was too “windowish”. Free BSD is pretty awesome. But I broke down and bought and Xbox. Funny how it “updated” itself without my hooking it into a network. :-\
I still plan to, someday, stop at the Stetson factory in St. Joe, MO and have a business man’s fedora custom fit. I used to wear a fedora to work all the time, long before they came back in style with the kiddies. I can’t get one now because it would clash with my anti-current-style style, I guess.
My first thought on the title of this thread was the old Red Hat Desktop Linux version too. So my fellow geeks, you are not alone. 8^)
To swing back on-topic (I know, right?) - the Tex Avery games were great.
One thing I love about the rise of Kickstarter is the old games that are making a come back thanks to it. For instance, Wasteland (the classic post nuclear war RPG - the spiritual father to the Fallout series) was the subject of a kickstarter not too long ago and where they had a basic goal of $900k to make the game, they ended up raising just over $3.0 million when you add in their paypal donations. (which means all sorts of goodies like an expanded world, more art, more quests, user mod tools, etc.) http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/wasteland-2
I wasted hours upon hours playing the original game and the fallouts, so I’m a happy camper.