Promash and sugar efficiency

In Promash you can select your efficiency, say 75%.  Sugar essentially converts 100% leaving no unfermentables (assuming no ferment problems).  Does anyone know if when you select a sugar as an ingredient, is promash figuring 75% brewhouse conversion or does it figure 100%?

It figures 100%.

How do you know this for sure?

Start a new Promash recipe.  Add a lb. of cane sugar.  Change the efficiency in the recipe.  The predicted SG doesn’t change.

Sugar will give you 45 points per pound per gallon.
Take note of the ProMash receipe estimated OG with the sugar, then delete the sugar from the ingredient list, take note of the OG without the sugar.
For the sake of discussion, assume the batch size is 5 gallons and you are adding 1 pound of sugar, dividing the 45 points for a pound of sugar by the 5 gallons, the difference between the two OG numbers should be 9, if ProMash assumes 100% efficiency for sugar.

That is thorough, thanks a bunch.  Now I have one more thing dialed in during my brew day.

I just feel the need to point out that it’s 46.21 point-gal/lb. :wink:

doesn’t that depend on the degree of hydration  :-\

Technically, yes, but at 100% RH sucrose retains 0.084% water by mass. Below my radar, for sure. :wink: