Pumpkin Ale Brew question

Hey All

I am a relatively new home brewer, and looking for help! I am going to start brewing a pumpkin ale, yet had a question in regards to the pumpkin.

I will be using malt extract, but should I put the pumpkin (after baking and scooping out of its shell) in my nylon steep bag, and let it steep for the 60 min. boil for 5 gallons? Or do I pitch the pumpkin mash directly into the wort?

Any guidance would be appreciated!

Personally, I’m concerned about the starch from the pumpkin remaining in the beer, so I’d mash it. If you aren’t able/willing to do a mini-mash, just leave the pumpkin out and focus on getting the spice character you want. Pumpkin doesn’t add a whole lot.

Yet many people boil their pumpkins without problems.

See this thread. It has plenty of info on when to add pumpkin and what it does:
