Does pumpkin affect mash ph?? I have looked and looked and can’t find any info on if pumpkin in the mash affects the ph, and if so which way? Thanks in advance…
The proper way to make a pumpkin beer is to leave it out. Use only the pumpkin pie spices.
PS: I don’t know how pumpkin affects mash pH.
i don’t think so. My computer crashed, so I can’t look it up for sure, but I don’t remember having a ph surprise with my pumpkin beer.
Thanks, I have read that as well, I am brewing a Pumking clone, and following that recipe. Do you think 141 ppm of Calcium is too much for an amber malty? I have bought your program and that’s where it ended up to get the mash ph in the correct range as the 2lb of lightly roasted Victory malt sent the projected ph number way down (brewing with distilled and building the water profile back in, .2 of gypsum, epsom and baking soda, .4 CaCl2, and .7 Ca(OH)2 )…
??? :o :-\
My pumpkin beers always have the expected pH within normal variations. Make sure you’re accounting for all the added water.
Here is what I would do: Fill HLT with water and add brewing salts/acid to achieve pH and desired profile. Add grains to mash tun as normal. Gather pumpkin and spices, take them to the kitchen and ask wife nicely to bake a pie. Proceed with mash.
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
Pumpkin Ph is not a problem to worry about in your Mash. STUCK mash is the major problem. Do not add the pumpkin meat to the mash. Most pumpkin style beers get their flavor from the added spices. But pumpkin, squash or any fruit can be added for more body and flavor. These are fermentable and have flavor and aroma. Adding pre-boil or in the boil will loose aroma and much of their flavor. For a homebrewer a easy way to add our pumpkin is in the fermenter.
Two methods, first bake/ roast with some spice on the meat.
- add the cooked meat into a straining bag and place in wort at end of boil for one minute. Remove,let drain for 2 minutes. Place into a sealed container and refrigerate. Use a big yeast starter, Watch your primary fermenter and as soon as fermentation slows add the bagged meat to the fermenter. Let the yeast do it’s job and after 3-4 days rack to secondary letting the bag drain and leaving all the slug behind.
- method two is basically the same. Wait until fermentation start to slow then prepare pumpkin, cool and Add sodium metabisulphite/campden tablet. Cover and let stand for 24 hours. Stir very very well, then add bagged meat to the primary.
I prefer method one. But the biggest plus is the lack of the slug in the fermenter. Also an huge stuck mash that may give you added fermentable’s but no flavor or aroma.
Good Brewing
So, funny story…all my fussing and concern over how the pumpkin would affect the mash pH, and with everything going on I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO CHECK IT!!! LOL…This is my first ever all grain brew (after almost 20 years of extract and partial mash), and my OG was very close at 1.086 (just over 22 Brix), and the recipe at 75% efficiency estimated at 1.083, so my mash was at least efficient! Considering I plotted it in Bru’n Water, used the proper amount of water additions and used distilled water with a starting pH of 7 (I did at least check that…) I am guessing it was probably about the pH that Bru’n Water predicted… I did put the pumpkin in the mash, as per the Pumking clone recipe from Brewer’s Friend, and didn’t have any problems sparging or lautering…I had made a starter (even bought a stir plate), though I missed catching the stir magnet (it’s in the fermentor now…) when I pitched the yeast… oh well…looking forward to kegging it and trying it out!
Oh man!! We all could have used the info.