As I sit at work, I got to thinking about trying a spunding valve. My only concern is that I wouldn’t have any temperature control once I transfer. But I was thinking, since most of the fermentation is done, perhaps I don’t need temperature control. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Are you talking about transferring to a keg near end of fermentation (maybe a couple gravity points to go)? That’s what I’ve been doing now for a few months and have been happy with the results. What are you using for temp control in the primary fermenter that you couldn’t use with the keg? Guessing you plan to put the keg with spunding valve in a cool room somewhere and since fermentation is nearly complete there’s little risk for undesired phenols or esters.
I’ve done this and it is fine.
Just remember that you are raising the temp of the beer and adjust your valve setting. Also, don’t trust the notches on the valve. Use the gauge.