Question on Black Patent

I just had a quick question about some black patent malt I stumbled across. Father-in-law works for Anheuser and gave me a 12oz (former Arizona Iced Tea) bottle of Black Patent Malt (liquid). I’m going to try my hand at a Holiday beer, with mostly extract and steeping some grains first. One of the grains my recipe calls for is the black patent at 2oz, and I’m assuming they mean to steep 2oz of the actual grain, so I’m not sure how to use this liquid version. My best guess would be to use it as a liquid extract, but not sure how much. Also, this will be my 2nd batch (newbie). Should I just add 2 ounces (weight) of the liquid?

I think the only way to get close (short of finding an actual analysis for the product) is to check the SG of the sample. Then you can figure roughly how much grain was mashed per unit of volume, and add the amount that corresponds to 2 oz.

Truthfully, I’d just buy 2 oz of malt. It’ll cost about a quarter, so why chance it?

Haha I don’t know why I didn’t think of it, that will probably save me a headache. But, I might just wing it, if I end up figuring it out, I’ll have a nice supply of free malt in the future. Thanks for the advice.

I’m going to hazard to guess that the stuff you got from your FiL is or is similar to Weyermann Sinamar. If that’s the case then 1oz. is equivalent to 6SRM’s of color according to JZ, so adjust accordingly. Here’s the stats:

Weyermann Sinamar®
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