Quick disconnect faucet adapter for cornies

Hi all, I’m taking several 2.5gal kegs to an o-fest party in a few weeks.  I have a few cobra taps however on a whim I bought one of the faucets which is connected right to a liquid disconnect.  (One of these http://www.austinhomebrew.com/Beer/Keg-Parts/Quick-Disconnect-Faucet-Assembly-Ball-Lock.html#.VhPlkssayK0 )

My question is in regards to carbonation.  Should I carb these beers up at the usual 6-8 psi (which I use for my keezer and 6" beer lines) and just purge the extra gas on beer day and serve at a really low pressure, say 2 psi?  Or should I just carb the kegs at 2psi and leave it for beer day?

The desired end state is that I am not serving cups of foam.  Thanks for any suggestions!

Carb normal and serve with enough pressure to give you a good pour without foam.

I’ve heard that 2 psi is the right amount.  The ideal service pressure can vary based on your carbonation level and the temperature of the beer, which is likely to be warmer than the normal temp of your keezer.

Thanks guys!  I’ll carb as normal and then back the serving pressure all the way down.

I can’t find a link to them right now, but you can also get mixing sticks for epoxy resin that will fit into the liquid dip-tube.  They create enough resistance that you can serve at your regular temperature.

You ought to be able to find a thread about them on here somewhere.

Hi Joe Sr.!  Reducing the id of the dip-tube…fantastic idea.  I’ll look for the thread.  Sadly I live in Uganda so my options may be limited but this is an interesting theme, thanks!

This is what you are talking about http://www.homebrewtalk.com/showthread.php?t=100151.  I am beginning to using epoxy mixers in tubing exterior to the keg.  The problem with putting an epoxy mixer in your dip tube is that the keg won’t work properly in your keezer until you remove the mixer or modify the keezer.

I really like the idea of an Ofest party in Uganda. I missed the Oktoberfest Zinzinnati this year, this would be an awesome substitute. Dont think I can get a passport quick enough though  :o

If you pay the expedite fee I’ll bet you can!  And tourists can get a visa at the airport so no delay there!

Just wanted to report back as we had the party last night.  I carbed up the beer at the usual 7 or so psi that I serve at in the kegorator, and combined with the keg disconnect faucet adapter and hand pump had no issues with foam.  Thanks everyone!