R.I.P Doc Watson

The man that caused me to pick up a guitar and I’m thankful for that.

Lester, Earl, Bill, Doc. They brought it to us and thankfully inspired many more that will continue their legacy for our enjoyment.

Could listen to his voice day in, day out.  Doc was an unbelievable talent.  So fortunate to have seen him perform a few times.  I cried the day Merle died, and I’m cryin’ today.

Got to see him in person twice. Just sit and stared in amazement.

Very nice and easy music to listen to.  A great picker and an inspiration to many.  We lost a man who’s contribution to American music has inspired us, but he left us with his beautiful music.

R.I.P. Doc

Goodbye, Doc, and thanks.  Got to work with him twice and he was a true gentleman.

Doc REALLY got me into learning that fingerpicking when I heard him play “Deep River Blues”. Got to see him once about 13 years ago in NC. Truly an american icon.

I never got to see him live but I wore out some of albums over the years.  Great guitar picking and such a magnificent clear voice, my wife and I spent many an hour listening to him.

Seeing him play was on my bucket list.

I missed him the last time he came through (ages ago) and have been kicking myself ever since.

My wife even suggested a couple weeks ago that we would have to travel out east to see him.

At least I still have tons of recordings to listen to.

Damn.  RIP.

'Nuff said  RIP

Thank you for the wonderful music over the years, Doc, you will be missed.

Just found out my wife was pricing flights yesterday to fly out for his concert on July 14th.

Would have been an awesome 40th birthday present.


Listening to this Fresh Air broadcast right now. Mostly a 1989 interview.

Damn. What a loss.