I was wondering how other brewers store their racking wands. I have two that are about 24” long each that I use and I keep both in the long plastic bag they came in. But there must be a better way. I do a good job of sanitizing and storing, but the bag thing kind of sucks. :-\
I hang mine up on a nail
I re-purposed a dish washer rack, which has “dish separator thingies” sticking up onto which I can slide tubes and bottles and stuff to dry and store.
Big box o’ brewing stuff in the corner of the basement. If I posted a picture you would surely be disturbed. :o
All the “long” things – wands, canes, paddles, dipsticks etc – just stand in a 5 gal pail covered with a garbage bag to keep dust off. I just make sure everything is drained and dry before putting away.
So…it’s a little crowded right now. But I have two storage options. A “Lawn” bottle storage thing (it’s for kids, saw it in a Zymurgy a few years ago) which has nice tall stalks to keep thinks vertical while drying. I also use a wallpaper drying tray and some hooks to drain/dry hoses.
I hang my racking canes on the side of some Gorilla shelves. I use the holes in legs. They hang right next to the bungee cord full of pieces of tubing. Keeps the earwigs at bay for the most part.
My long stuff is stored on the bag my auto siphon came in. Has been for several years.
I keep mine in my bottling bucket, sticking out through one of the empty Fast Rack bottle holder holes: the Fast Rack is on top of the bucket, and inside the bucket are tubes, bottle-filler, etc. I use the inverted Fast Rack tray as a cap on top of all this to keep out the dust, etc. So when I’m bottling (as I will tomorrow night), I just grab the whole thing.
Thanks brewers! You have given me some ideas to chew on!